Street Workshop in Berlin-Neukölln, Germany - 2016
Transmission of a passion, a way of expression, an art of living…
I organize and lead graffiti / wall painting / street art workshops besides my personnal productions. My idea is to open the eyes of the people - especially children - on all the possibilities and alternatives existing in their lives to really feel alive. I provide them with the necessary tools & train them so that they can choose then the most adapted way to express themselves :
Spray painting / Graffiti writing
Tape Art
Textile Printing (Screenprinting & Batik)
My goal, not being to create the next generation of vandals, is also to inform the participants about the rules, what can be done or not, which technic can be used for which purpose, and how they can express themselves in the streets without breaking the law !
I propose most of the time 2 different concetps of workshops :
Open street workshops : workshop taking place directly in the streets, FOR the people living in the neighborhood. I just need a wall and some material, then I invite people to contribute to the embellishment of THEIR streets and feel the effect most of the time for the frist time
In schools or social & cultural centers : workshops dedicated to the a defined group of people with whom it is possible to :
Introduce Street Art in theory : through documentaries, movies, and explanations…
Discover all the technics of street art (handwriting, stencils, collages, tape art, yarn bombing...)
Work on the whole process of creation of a mural
Below, you can have a look at some workshops I have been leading these last years.. enjoy !!